Overwhelmed by the LOVE!!!
Previous Campaign
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Thank You Golden Meadows Assisted Living Center for allowing us to come and share our sponsored BUDDIES with your residents.
Our community is praying for you all.
Our community is praying for you all.
Our campaign with
Golden Meadows Assisted Living Facility
was a huge success with Adoption lasting only a few days!
The Delivery took place on February 16. The Residents were each given their very own Balloon Buddy and so many smiles were shared. What a Blessing to show a little bit of Love and Laughter with these folks.
Golden Meadows Assisted Living Facility
was a huge success with Adoption lasting only a few days!
The Delivery took place on February 16. The Residents were each given their very own Balloon Buddy and so many smiles were shared. What a Blessing to show a little bit of Love and Laughter with these folks.
Click here to see the
Record Gazette Article
Our Clown Family, a local family of volunteers is participating in a nationwide "Adopt-A-Grandparent" campaign will help nursing staff at local facilities bring a smile to those that have been isolated since the lockdown began with the delivery of a "Balloon Buddy" to each resident in their facility.
Started by Balloon Artists across the country to spread love and joy, "Balloon Buddies" are being used as a way to ease the loneliness of those that are currently in neighborhood nursing homes and assisted living facilities.